Thursday, November 28, 2002

Let's hear it for Doug Niesen and wife Jan. Jan came to the Lord in 1961 and started praying for Doug's salvation. Jesus came into Doug's life about 15 years ago and took away his desire for alcohol and nicotine. Doug and Jan recently completed eight weeks of lay ministry work in remote Alaskan villages, living their faith. "Doug said he’d be ready to go back to Alaska on a moment’s notice because their experience there was so meaningful," reports The Pine Journal of their home town, Cloquet, Minnesota. 'The people there love the Lord, they love to sing and they’re just so hungry for the Word,' he said. 'We will be going back– the good Lord willing – because he has certainly blessed us, and to God be the glory. And if Jan and I can do it, anybody can, because we do not have any special skills and we only made it through high school. Maybe it will be an encouragement to other people in Cloquet to do something like this.' "

Amen, Doug.

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