Monday, September 23, 2002

"Don't Ask Don't Tell" takes a notorious public-domain stinker from 1954 — the numbingly dull science-fiction thriller "Killers From Space" — and fixes it up with a new, tongue-in-cheek soundtrack. A technique pioneered by Woody Allen (who turned a Japanese spy movie into "What's Up, Tiger Lily?" in 1966) and later adapted by the television series "Mystery Science Theater 3000," it's a gag that's worn a bit thin over the years, though "Don't Ask" still finds a few chuckles. The original film starred the B-movie stalwart Peter Graves as Dr. Douglas Martin, a nuclear scientist kidnapped by a band of space aliens and reprogrammed to act as their spy inside the Army's atomic bomb project. The reconfigured version, directed by Doug Miles, finds Mr. Graves, now with the voice of Erik Frandsen, kidnapped by the same aliens, though their plan is somewhat different: with the help of a mysterious ray, they intend to turn every earthling into a homosexual. "We are the men who make you gay," boasts the alien leader, thus putting an abrupt end to the nature-versus-nurture question that has troubled psychologists for years.

Friends of Dorothy From Over the Rainbow
New York Times, 20 September 2002

You go, Dougs!

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